The perception of physics teachers about the inclusion of students with visual disabilities: quantitative research
Visual Impairment, Physics Teaching, Teachers' Perceptions on InclusionAbstract
In this paper we examine the perceptions of physics teachers and professors in relation to inclusive education for students with visual impairments. We decided to reapply a questionnaire applied to professors from various fields in three universities in Ghana, to verify differences and similarities between the results of that research, when compared with brazilian teachers from only one area of study, Physics. Through the administration of an electronic form where the participant should select the degree of agreement, we compose a random sample of 42 individuals who work in public or private institutions. The statements are divided into four blocks: general perceptions about inclusion, perceptions about the concept of inclusion, perceptions about the types of disabilities and perceptions about the institutional support or resources. The data are analyzed quantitatively, and comparisons are made within the sample using the student's t-test. The same test is done to compare our sample with Ghana sample. Among the results, we can highlight that we did not find any divergence between gender, level of activity or sector (public/private). However, we realized that the individuals who participated in our research have a more negative perception, in relation to previous results. The less favorable perceptions in indicate the need to expand the debate on inclusion in the academic environments and the proposition of new research to assess the factors that lead to this scenario, in addition to the indispensability of the development of practices that can lead to a reversal in this negative panorama.
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- 2022-03-30 (1)
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