Educational video evaluation on cochlear implant: the aiding technology through the teacher’s voice
Implante Coclear, Bilinguismo Bimodal, Avaliação de Vídeo.Abstract
The aim of this study is to describe and discuss the video evaluation on Cochlear Implant, produced by INES (National Institute of Deaf Education), from the perspective of the Institute’s educators. The study was developed through quali-quantitative point of view, using an evaluative study as methodological design. Through a questionnaire, technical, content and empirical questions were validated and elaborated. 52 specialist-teachers, both deaf and non-deaf/hearing, answered the instrument to assess whether the pedagogical demand about is the technology was met by the video’s content, aiding the educators in effectively dealing with implanted students. As a result, it was observed that the video did meet the initial pedagogical demand in addition to revealing a need for a deepened pedagogical practice with these students, due to the Institute’s language of instruction being the sign language and its secondary language, the Portuguese language, solely written. This central question, brought in by the voices of Portuguese language teachers in a special school for the deaf, leads to the reflection on a new type of bilingualism where the student with cochlear implant can benefit from the processes of acquisition of both languages, becoming a bilingual bimodal subject. It is up to the Institute to contemplate the adaptation of its political-pedagogical project to attend the specificity of these students, since it has yet to implement any transformation in its organization to receive them, recognizing a linguistic plurality within an additive and not a subtractive perspective that considers that it is either one language or the other.Downloads
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