Invisibilities in the National Literacy Assessment (ANA): students with disabilities and teaching
Evaluation in large scale, School inclusion, Invisibilities.Abstract
Today we are experiencing a proliferation of large scale evaluations. This movement coexists with the constitution of inclusion as a contemporary imperative. Discourses about respecting difference are in conflict with the global measurements that promise to verify the quality of Education. So we asked: what can numbers measure? What escapes large-scale evaluations? To answer this question, the present study analyzed official documents that legislate on the National Literacy Assessment and on social indicators; also conducted interviews with teachers and principals of public schools located in seven cities of Rio Grande do Sul. With data collection, we argued from the perspective of the Foucaultian Studies that large-scale evaluations produce a kind of imagined similarity, when considering some variables, leave many out and establish invisibilities of students with disabilities and teaching work.
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