Implications of the Sign Language in the acquisition of the writing of hearing children of deaf parents
Hearing children of deaf parents, Acquisition of the written language, LIBRAS.Abstract
This article aims to discuss the interference of sign language in the acquisition of the written language of a 10 years old listening individual, son of a deaf mother. The investigation was conducted in a town in the countryside of the State of Paraná, where this person resides with his parents and maternal grandparents. This is a research of qualitative and ethnographic nature, supported by a case study. The data were collected through interviews with the teachers, psychologist and pedagogical staff of the schools where the subject studied, as well as with the subject himself. The results confirm the tendency that most hearing children of deaf parents become bilingual due the fact that they master two languages (the sign language and the oral language). The sign language can interfere in the process of acquisition of the written language of these students, since, by internalizing the syntactic structure of that language and also of the Portuguese language, naturally and simultaneously, they end up mixing these languages while developing their writing skills. This can generate negative consequences in the schooling process, since the aspects of deaf culture, experienced by deaf parents as well as by hearing children, are totally neglected by most Brazilian schools. With this research we intend to contribute to the area of Education by highlighting that the children of deaf parents, despite not bearing the stereotype of the disability, need to be seen from a special and differentiated perspective by the school community, so that these subjects won’t be excluded from an effective teaching and learning process.
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