JT Method in the Special Education: Results of the socials- communicatives skills program with mental deficient


  • Adriana Augusto Raimundo de Aguiar Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo
  • Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del Prette Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo
  • Ricardo Gonçalves de Aguiar Universidade Nove de Julho, São Paulo, São Paulo
  • Almir Del Prette Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo




Reliable change, Clinical significance, Special Education.


The analysis of internal and external validity of interventions with single subjects is still a challenge for the research and for the professional practice compromised with the effectiveness of the results. When the traditional methods are not suitable(due to sampling problems or replication difficulties), it becomes necessary the development of alternative methods. This article exemplifies the use of “Method JT” for analyzing an intervention effect in the Special Education field, data been collected in a program with six mental deficient adults aimed to develop their communication skills. The program, carried out in clinical and non-clinical settings, used procedures and techniques from Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences field, cognitive-behavioral and pedagogical approaches. The results showed the usefulness of JT method to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention programs both in the analysis of group results as well as in concerning individual results. The potentiality of JT method in the improvement of these programs is discusse


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How to Cite

Aguiar, A. A. R. de, Prette, Z. A. P. D., Aguiar, R. G. de, & Prette, A. D. (2010). JT Method in the Special Education: Results of the socials- communicatives skills program with mental deficient. Special Education Magazine, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X2116