Eucalyptus grandis, factor of cubication, pieces of wood, stacks of wood.Abstract
Sometimes the express wood volume in stere needs to be converted into cubic meter. This is possible estimating a cubication factor (Fc). With the objective of determining the Fc for Eucalyptus grandis and its variation in wood pieces of different lengths of 1 and 2,3m due to time of exposure to the environment, in the summer and in the winter, six stacks of woodpiles were made in the dimensions 3x2x1m and six piles in the dimensions 3x2x2, 3m, installed in the summer and in the winter. Medium Fcc’s obtained by the reason of volumes presented smaller variation in comparison to the ones obtained by angular counting. The statistical analysis indicated difference (α < 5%) in the variables of the main effect, that is: in the climatic station (F = 18.72), in the time of exhibition (F = 6.51) and in the length of the stacks (F = 35.18). The analysis of the correlation indicated that Fc was also influenced by the top cracks, by the humidity of the wood and by the atmospheric variability. The average values of Fcc’s indicated a stabilization after ninety days of the installation of the piles. The stacks of Eucalyptus grandis presented dimensional variation when exposed to the atmosphere, making the Fc to vary in the time of exhibition at environment.
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