plant propagation, Erythrina falcata, rooting, minicutting.Abstract
This work aimed to evaluate the minicutting technique as a method for vegetative propagation of corticeira-do-mato (Erythrina falcate Benth.) in terms of the production, survival of the ministumps after successive collections of minicuttings, as well as rooting and growth (height and root collar diameter) of the formed seedlings, being compared two handled systems (in hydroponics systems and in plastic tubetes). The ministumps were obtained from seedlings of Erythrina falcata, where successive collections of minicuttings were promoted. Results demonstrated to the efficiency of the technique for the vegetative propagation of this species, reaching average generality of 85,5% of rooting. In general terms, the minicuttings technique, from seminal material, is an alternative for production of seedlings of this species during the whole year and in the conditions that the seeds are limiting input or with germination problems. In the same conditions that the studies were led obtained seedlings can be gotten for the definitive planting between four to five months of age.
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