
  • Paulo Renato Schneider UFSM
  • Frederico Dimas Fleig
  • César Augusto Guimarães Finger
  • Jorge Euclides Mayer Klein



growth, spacing, Acacia mearnsii.


In the present work the influence of initial spacing on growth of Acacia mearnsii de Wild was studied. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks with five treatments and four repetitions defined by spacing between plants of 1 x 1m, 2 x 1m, 3 x 1m, 3 x 1,33 m and 3 x 2 m. The results allowed the conclusion that the smaller the spacing the larger the production of wood with bark on a per hectare basis; however this happenned with Smaller men diameter. The growth of diameter and total height was directly proportional to spacing, but basal area, volume outside bark and weight of the green bark per hectare were inversely proportional to spacing. Dominant height was not affected by the spacings used.


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How to Cite

Schneider, P. R., Fleig, F. D., Finger, C. A. G., & Klein, J. E. M. (2000). GROWTH OF THE BLACK-WATTLE, Acacia mearnsii De Wild IN DIFFERENT SPACINGS. Ciência Florestal, 10(2), 101–112.




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