DIAMETER GROWTH OF Araucária columnaris Forster & Hooker IN SANTA MARIA- RS
Growth, diameter, Araucaria, PinusAbstract
Araucaria columnaris in a specie cultivated as ornamental tree in South Brazil, with no information available about its growth and possibility of use in forests plantations. Its atrait treetop makes it possible to grow in reduced spacing, realized through the trunk analysys, using a transversal cut, permited to determinate that the current annual growth culminated in the 21 st. year with 1,41cm, and, the average annual growth in the 31 st. year with 1,18cm, showing a good potencial of the specie growth. The comparaison between there results with the ones available for Pinus elliotti L. and Araucaria angustifolia Bert. O. Ktze. Permited us to conclude that Araucaria columnaris Forster&Hooker has the lowest decrease in growth between these theree species.
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