
  • Rosimeire Cavalcante dos Santos UFSM
  • Lourival Marin Mendes
  • Angélica de Cássia Oliveira Carneiro
  • Fábio Akira Mori
  • Renato Vinícius Oliveira Castro
  • Rafael Farinassi Mendes




wood residue, urea-formaldehyde, particleboard.


This work aimed to evaluate, through the physical and mechanical properties, the panels production viability with inclusion of candeia (Eremanthus erythropappus) wood residues and the influence of different percentages of PET (polyethylene terephthalate), as well as the presence and absence of paraffin on the properties of particleboard. There were used candeia wood residues, after oil extraction, in association with eucalypt wood in the proportion of 25:75 and urea-formaldehyde adhesive (12%) for panels production; besides the PET incorporation in particle form, which were originated from soft drink bottles and included in three percentages (0%, 25% e 50%) in treatments in the presence (1%) and absence of paraffin emulsion. The panels pressing cycle occurred under electric heating at 160°C, 0.4 MPa of pressure, during 8 minutes. The experimental design was entirely randomized with three repetitions. The properties evaluated, according to DIN (1971), ASTM D 1037-93 (1995) and CS 236-66 (1968) standards, were: internal bonding; static bending (modulus of elasticity – MOE and rupture – MOR); compression parallel to the panel surface; water absorption and thickness swelling, after 2 and 24 hours water immersion. The panel mechanical properties decreased with increasing in PET level; in general, paraffin addition did not improve the wood/plastic panels resistance and higroscopicity; the utilization of candeia wood residues is viable, in association with eucalypt wood, for the wood/plastic panel production, since the properties attended the minimum demands of the standards, except static bending.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. C. dos, Mendes, L. M., Carneiro, A. de C. O., Mori, F. A., Castro, R. V. O., & Mendes, R. F. (2011). UTILIZATION OF CANDEIA (Eremanthus erythropappus) WOOD RESIDUES IN THE PRODUCTION OF PARTICLEBOAD WITH ADDITION OF PET. Ciência Florestal, 21(1), 149–158. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050982757




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