
  • Rômulo Trevisan UFSM
  • Clovis Roberto Haselein
  • Elio José Santini
  • Paulo Renato Schneider
  • Leonel Freitas de Menezes




Eucalyptus grandis, thinning, wood quality.


This study aimed at evaluating the effect of different thinning intensities in the dendrometric and technological characteristics of 14 years-old Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden wood sited in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul. Randomized blocks experiment, with four treatments (T1 = 1638 trees/ha; T2 = 1150 trees/ha; T4 = 589 trees/ha and T8 = 192 trees/ha) and four repetitions was analyzed. The trees were selected on the basis of the dominant and average diameter of each treatment. After cutting down, trees were measured and the volume was determined by the Smalian method, disks were taken at the base 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the commercial height, and at the DBH (diameter at breast height), for basic density, dry mass and radial shrinkage determination. In relation to the dendrometric characteristics, results indicate that the application of more severe thinning caused significant gain in diameter at breast height, height and volume in average trees, not influencing the dominant ones. Concerning the technological characteristics, results indicate that the basic density of the average trees was influenced by thinning; however, without presenting clear trend regarding the intensity of the intervention. The production of dry mass of the average trees increased with the thinning intensity and did not affect the production of the dominant trees. The radial shrinkage of the dominant and average trees grew up in the pith-to-bark direction, not being modified by thinning intensity. Results allow concluding that the silvicultural interventions applied in the forest influence wood quality.


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How to Cite

Trevisan, R., Haselein, C. R., Santini, E. J., Schneider, P. R., & Menezes, L. F. de. (2007). EFFECT OF THE THINNING INTENSITY IN THE DENDROMETRIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WOOD OF Eucalyptus grandis. Ciência Florestal, 17(4), 377–387. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050981969




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