
  • Cláudio Thomas UFSM
  • César Martins Andrade
  • Paulo Renato Schneider
  • César Augusto Guimarães Finger



individual volume, modeling, regression


This work aimed at comparing volume estimates with bark, obtained with equations originated from data of the stem measurements with bark and stem analysis without bark, respectively. The base of information for the development of this study was obtained in forest of Pinus taeda L. in the municipal district of Ponte Alta do Norte, Santa Catarina, being composed by two hundred and forty trees measured with bark in different ages, which were selected aleatorily  and distributed by diameter class. Another source of data was obtained with the stem analysis without bark of thirty sample trees, distributed among averages and dominant. Mathematical models were tested for each source of data, in order to select the one of better adjustment and precision, with base in the selection criterion of the Score Pondered Value of the Statistical Parameters (VP). The result of VP revealed the equation of Schumacher-Hall as the most appropriated one in the estimate of the volume for the respective sources of data. The comparison between the estimates of volume of the adjusted models starting from data of the stem measurements with bark and of the stem analysis without bark was accomplished with the test Qui-square, which demonstrated that there area no significant differences to be significant difference among the them allowing to affirm that it is possible to obtain the volume with bark starting from an equation generated with volume data without bark, obtained through the stem analysis.


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How to Cite

Thomas, C., Andrade, C. M., Schneider, P. R., & Finger, C. A. G. (2006). COMPARATIVE VOLUME EQUATIONS ADJUSTED WITH DATA OF STEM MEASUREMENTS AND STEM ANALYSIS. Ciência Florestal, 16(3), 319–327.




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