
  • Luciano de Oliveira Toledo UFSM
  • Marcos Gervasio Pereira
  • Carlos Eduardo Gabriel Menezes



nutrients, litter, secondary forest.


An experiment was carried out to evaluate the contribution of the litter deposition under forest coverage in different stages of regeneration, initial secondary forest (ISF) and late secondary forest (LSF) in Pinheiral, RJ, in 1998. Litter deposition was measured in litter traps. The highest input of litter, 4.03 ton. ha-1, was observed in LST, in winter. In both areas the highest input was verified in winter, and the leaves were the most important contributor. The chemical composition of litter did not show difference among the seasons.


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How to Cite

Toledo, L. de O., Pereira, M. G., & Menezes, C. E. G. (2005). LITTER PRODUCTION AND MINERALS TRANSFER ON SECONDARY FORESTS IN PINHEIRAL REGION (RIO DE JANEIRO STATE). Ciência Florestal, 12(2), 9–16.




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