Cedrela fissilis, cedro, cd, heavy metal, nutrition.Abstract
With the objective of verifying the effect of the cadmium application on the nutrients content in cedro seedlings an experiment was installed in the greenhouse of the Department of the Soil Science of the Federal University of Lavras. The experiment followed a statistical delineation of randomized blocks, where the seedlings were cultivated in Clark's nutrient solution and submitted to the increasing levels of Cd: 0, 22, 44, 88 and 132 mM, using as source the cadmium chloride. After 60 days of display to the heavy metal, the plants were picked up and separated in root, stem and leaf. These parts of the plants were analyzed with relationship to the Cd, macro, and micronutrients content. The results showed that for the macronutrients it had an increase in the contents of P, S and Ca; practically no effect on the content of K was observed and the Mg content presented answer differentiated with the plant part. For the micronutrients, there was observed that it had on increase in the content of Cu and Fe and reduction in the content of Mn and Zn in the root; in the stem it had an increase in the content of Cu and Zn and reduction in the content of Fe and Mn, while in the leaf it had increase in the content of Fe and reduction in the content of Cu, Mn and Zn. The Cd content in the parts of the seedlings has increased with the dose of the applied heavy metal.
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