
  • Henrique Luis Godinho Cassol Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Frederico Dimas Fleig



sustainable forest management, GIS, reduced impact logging, tree falling gaps, canopy gaps.


The aim of this study was to simulate the gap areas formed after logging in a management gardeningsystem, using geoprocessing techniques. In a 5.6 ha of a seasonal semi deciduous forest located in LinhaCanudos, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul state, 924 trees were georeferenced using a GPS receiver. In thesetrees was determined the sustainable cutting rate beyond balanced distribution frequencies by diameterclass selecting 82 cutting trees through this analysis. At the selected cutting trees, the releasing areas ofcanopy gaps and the impacting areas were estimated from falling cutting trees using GIS and reducedimpact logging techniques as known as directed tree felling. Altogether, 98 trees (32 m³) will benefit fromreleasing of canopy and 63 trees (12.07 m³) will be impacted by the falling of the explored trees. Therefore,it is concluded that the geoprocessing techniques applied to native forest management is an importantfeature when you want to intervene in the forest, aiming to reduce the forest cutting impact.


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How to Cite

Cassol, H. L. G., & Fleig, F. D. (2014). GEOPROCESSING USE FOR THE SIMULATION OF GAPS AREAS IN A MANAGEMENT GARDENING SYSTEM. Ciência Florestal, 24(1), 171–183.




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