Analysis of the relations of land use and economic development in the municipality of Nova Esperança do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Land use, Nova Esperança do Sul, GISAbstract
This work aims to analyze the spatialization of land use and discuss the socioeconomic data in the municipality of Nova Esperança do Sul. The analysis of land use and occupation provides information that allows the analysis of conflicts, gathering data and physical aspects of the study area. With the advancement of technology and remote sensing, you can see more easily the changes and impacts caused by human action. The use of geotechnologies helps to analyze land use and occupation, economic development and permanent preservation areas (APPs). The mapping used SENTINEL image with its interpretation through the use of the SCP plugin (Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin) in Qgis 3.16 software and map layout generation in Qgis 3.10.13. Forest, crops, fields, water bodies and urban areas were identified. Through the analyzes it was possible to identify that in the municipality of Nova Esperança do Sul there is a predominance of crops and in the field areas the raising of cattle is important for the municipality's economy. An important economic activity in the municipality is the leather industry, whose function is to internationally produce, deliver and supply leather articles for residential and automotive upholstery.
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- 2022-07-19 (2)
- 2022-06-03 (1)
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