Compliance with Operating License conditions and restrictions: a case study in the Port of Pelotas-RS
port activities, environmental licensing, assessment of environmental impacts, OL, environmental impactsAbstract
Port activities can cause several negative impacts to the environment, and these are intensified in ports present in urban areas. Environmental licensing allows public administration to establish conditions and restrictions of activities that interfere with quality of environmental resources. CONAMA classifies port activities was potentially polluting, so this industry enterprises must pass through environmental licensing process and be following current legislation in order to avoid or minimize negative environmental impacts, with the Operation License (OL) being one of main compliance tools. From the above, the objective of the work was to evaluate the attendance, by Port of Pelotas, to the conformities and restrictions contained in its OL, granted in the year 2015 by FEPAM. The study was carried out through the analysis of the CONAMA Audit Report 306/2 of April 2018 and visits to the enterprise. The data obtained were analyzed based on evaluation criteria. The final diagnosis of compliance with the constraints and restrictions of the OL showed an unsatisfactory attendance, since the score obtained in the total sum reached only 122 points out of a total 327. Thus, it was verified the necessity of adaptation of the enterprise regarding the constraints and restrictions predicted in the OL.
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