Impacts and recovery techniques of degraded areas by petroleum spills - case study in southern Brazil
Oil accident, Environmental pollution, Remediation, ProtectionAbstract
Oil spills can threaten the environmental quality of coastal ecosystems. The environmental impact of accidents of this type is significant and it is important to understand them in order to assess the magnitude of such accidents. In this way, the present work aimed to discuss some of the main environmental impacts that can be caused by accidents of oil spill in marine and terrestrial environments, besides presenting a review of cleaning processes for the recovery of these degraded areas. In addition, this study aimed to elaborate a Program for the Recovery of Degraded Areas (PRAD) aiming a work plan for a case study: oil leakage in the coastal region of the municipality of Tramandaí (RS). Thus, a description of the study area was carried out aiming the correct elaboration of a work plan for the recovery of the area. The plan was based on preliminary assessment, containment and removal of oil in the aquatic environment, cleaning of the coastal environment, waste management, destination of the recovered area, along with schedule and budgets. The information presented in this paper serves as a support for the elaboration of recovery programs for areas degraded by oil accidents.
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- 2022-04-18 (2)
- 2020-01-15 (1)
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