Production of Meal as a Tool for the Valuation of the fish Residues
Environmental contamination, Environmental management, Fish, Solid waste.Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the flour production for the evaluation of fish residues. This study was carried out in two experiments. The first was characterized by the production of flour from the filleting of abrótea fish, while in the second was used the shrimp residue. The treatments in both experiments consisted of two methods of dehydration: oven (T1) and microwave (T2), with four replicates per treatment. The moisture contents, ashes, total nitrogen and crude protein were evaluated. The results showed that flour production is an important tool for the evaluation of fish waste. The flour of Abrótea and shrimp are an important source of protein and minerals that can be used for animal feeding. The microwave method can be used in the preparation of fish and shrimp flours because it does not alter the crude protein content. The microwave is more advantageous than the oven because it speeds up the dehydration process of fish waste. The flour produced is an alternative for artisanal fishermen and can bring income to fishermen, fishers' families and also to poor communities.
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