Rainfall influences in mapping landscape features of an archaeological site with the application of geophysical and geostatistical methods
Apparent electrical resistivity, Soil profile, MacapáAbstract
Archaeological studies are important for understanding the historical environments and analysis of the consequences of their changes in the current period, and geophysical methods are an important tool for enabling a low-impact analysis on these. This study evaluated the influence of rainfall in mapping of landscape features of the archaeological site AP-MA-05 using geophysical and geostatistical methods. To obtain the data, the geophysical method of electroresistivity was used in an area of UNIFAP of 10 x 20 meters. The rainfall data were collected in INMET station in Macapá. Data analysis was performed with use of statistical and geostatistical methods. In rainy season, soil resistivity presented a minimum of 198.7 ohm.m and maximum values of up to 3946 ohm.m, with an average of 1188.87 ohm.m. In the less rainy season the observed values were 394 ohm.m (minimum) and 5863 ohm.m (maximum), with an averaging of 2078.31 ohm.m. This demonstrates the influence of rainfall on apparent resistivity, since the more intense the rains that occurred at the time of data were obtained, the lower the values of electrical resistivity. The best association between the research method, the survey period based on climate aspects and the application of geostatistical methods facilitated the characterization of the site as a future support for its prospection.
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