Analysis of components of the yield of different soy’s cultivars at Cachoeira do Sul
Grains, Irrigation, ProductivityAbstract
Soy is socio-economically important to the county of Cachoeira do Sul. The present work meant to evaluate the components of the yield and the yield of grains of different soy’s cultivars sprinkler irrigated at the city. A field's experiment with seeding was made in 19/11/17. The treatments were constituted of 3 cultivars: BMX GARRA; NS 4823; NS 5445; in 12 repetitions, in the entirely casualized trial design. Morphological evaluations were performed on the plants (leaf area index - LAI and height). The yield’s components were analyzed: number of string bean plants-1; number of string bean grains-1; weight of a thousand grains and yield of the grains (kg ha-1). Supplementary irrigation was necessary to maintain the soil water availability to the crop, due to the low rainfall during the cycle (354 mm), which was lower than the crop evapotranspiration (467 mm). Statistical differences between the cultivars were perceived, highlighting the BMX GARRA cultivar, that presented LAI and higher plants’ height in comparison to the other cultivars. These results impacted that the BMX GARRA cultivar presented a higher number of string bean plants-1 (68.58), a higher weight of a thousand grains (216.02g) and a higher yield of the grains (4,536.42 kg ha-1).
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