Analysis of the development of different soybean cultivars as a function of sowing date in Cachoeira do Sul - RS
Soybean, Development, CultivarsAbstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the development of diferente soybean cultivars in two sowing dates in Cachoeira do Sul – RS. A field experimente was carried out at UERGS agronomic station, whose soil is classified as Red Argisol. The experimental desing used was in factorial desing (2x3). Factor “A” constitued two sowing dates (11/21/2018; 01/11/2019) and fator “B” constitued three soybean cultivars (NS4823; NA5909; NS6909). Phenological evaluations were performed weekly. Data were organized into 2 subperiods: emergence at full bloom (EM-R1) and full bloom at physiological maturity (R1-R8). In the subperiod EM-R1, the cultivars NS6909 and NA5909 did not present statistical differences among themselves, but differed from the cultivar NS4823, with duration of 49, 48 and 38 days, respectively. In the R1-R8 subperiod, no statistical differences were observed for cultivars NS6909 and NS4823, which differed from cultivar NA5909, with duration of 66, 67 and 71 days, respectively. Late sowing resulted in a shortening of 15 days in the total cycle, which may reflect yield reductions.
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