Use of a multisensor platform for characterizing soil spatial variability in precision agriculture




Apparent soil electrical conductivity, Soil temperature, Soil moisture


The use of precision agriculture techniques can contribute to increased productivity efficiency, as management decisions are based on the spatial variability of soil attributes that influence the productive performance of crops. This study aimed to evaluate the use of a multisensor platform in mapping the apparent soil electrical conductivity (EC), soil temperature, and soil moisture. Measurements were taken at 75 georeferenced sample points spaced 35 meters apart in an 8.6-hectare area. Statistical and geostatistical techniques were employed in the analysis and mapping of the measured variables. The EC readings from the multisensor platform were compared with those obtained using a commercial sensor, based on the analysis and calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). All measured variables showed spatial variability in the study area. The use of the multisensor platform allowed for mapping the spatial variability of EC, temperature, and soil moisture, and thematic maps indicating these variations throughout the studied area were generated. The EC measured by the multisensor platform was similar to the EC measured by the commercial sensor, with r = 0.8, indicating reliability in the field readings.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Leonel Bottega, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

PhD in Agricultural Engineering

Bruno Passador Lombardi, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Agricultural Engineering Student

Matheus da Silva Costa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Agricultural Engineering Student

Daniel Marçal de Queiroz, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

PhD in Agricultural and Biological Engineering

André Luiz de Freitas Coelho, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

PhD in Agricultural Engineering

Zanandra Boff Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

PhD in Agricultural Engineering


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How to Cite

Bottega, E. L., Lombardi, B. P., Costa, M. da S., Queiroz, D. M. de, Coelho, A. L. de F., & Oliveira, Z. B. (2024). Use of a multisensor platform for characterizing soil spatial variability in precision agriculture. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 3), e87030.

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