Analysis of irrigation water input time in rice farming and relationship with productivity




RPAS, Geotechnologie, Oryza sativa (L.)


Irrigated rice has great social and economic importance in RS and studying improvements in crop management so that productivity is greater is relevant. Thus, the present work aimed to survey and map the time of irrigation water entry into two plots (31 and 50 ha) and relate it to the productivity of flood-irrigated rice from Cachoeira do Sul -RS. Monitoring of the water advance was carried out by drone. Image processing and interpolation of water entry time were performed using QGIS software. The average productivity (kg ha-1) was obtained for each interpolated time. In plot 1, the productivity of 16645.50 kg ha-1 obtained when the advance of irrigation water occurred in the first 24 h was reduced to 13982.19 kg ha-1 when it was between 24 and 48 h, and even lower than 12993 .69 kg ha-1, when the entry time was greater than 72 h. In plot 2, it was not possible to associate differences in productivity with the time of irrigation water input, which may have been due to a 50 mm rain that occurred during the irrigation period.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Eduardo da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM

Zanandra Boff Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

She is an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria Campus Cachoeira do Sul and works as a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Precision Agriculture (PPGAP) at UFSM. He has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Integrated Regional University of Alto do Uruguai and Missions - Santiago (2009), a degree in Teacher Training. for Professional Ed (2012), master's degree in Soil Science (2011) and doctorate in Agricultural Engineering (2015), both from the Federal University of Santa Maria. She worked for four years as an EBTT professor at the Instituto Federal Farroupilha campus Júlio de Castilhos. Has experience in the area of ​​water and soil management in irrigated systems; irrigation management in large crops; estimation of evapotranspiration; ambience in rural installations and precision ambiance. He is leader of the research group in ambience and biometeorology.

Luis Felipe Baranzelli, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM

Matheus da Silva Costa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM

Vitor Maus Spies, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM.

Pedro Trevisan Hamann, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Postgraduate Program in Precision Agriculture at the Federal University of Santa Maria


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How to Cite

Silva, C. E. da, Oliveira, Z. B., Baranzelli, L. F., Costa, M. da S., Spies, V. M., & Hamann, P. T. (2024). Analysis of irrigation water input time in rice farming and relationship with productivity. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 3), e86832.

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