Influence of seeding density and nitrogen doses on irrigated corn productivity




Management practices, Spring-summer crop, Sustainability


Corn is one of the main cereals cultivated in the world and evaluating management strategies that specifically contribute to increasing the productivity of this crop is of fundamental importance. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the yield and productivity components of irrigated corn as a function of seeding density and nitrogen doses in the 2022/23 harvest, in Cachoeira do Sul – RS. The hybrid Forseed 400 was sown on 08/26/22 in the experimental design of randomized blocks with split plots, in the scheme. Factor A consisted of three sowing densities, interrupting the same row spacing of 0.45 m and changing the distribution of plants per linear meter, as follows: i) 3.1 seeds m-1 ii) 3.8 seeds m -1 and iii) 4.8 seeds m-1; the factor “B by two doses of nitrogen (N) in top dressing, with fractional application of urea in the phenological stages of V4 (50%) and V8 (50%), totaling: i) 150 kg N ha-1 and ii) 250 kg N ha-1. Throughout the cycle, 18 irrigations were carried out via conventional sprinkler, totaling 262 mm to supplement the 329 mm of rain. Corn productivity was maximum 12,593.7 kg ha-1 at the highest sowing density and with the highest dose of N.


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Author Biographies

Zanandra Boff Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

She is an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria Cachoeira do Sul Campus and teaches in the Postgraduate Program in Precision Agriculture (PPGAP) at UFSM. She has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Integrated Regional University of Alto do Uruguai and Missões - Santiago (2009), a degree in Teacher Training for Professional Education (2012), a master's degree in Soil Science (2011) and a doctorate in Agricultural Engineering (2015), both from the Federal University of Santa Maria. She worked for four years as an EBTT teacher at the Instituto Federal Farroupilha Júlio de Castilhos campus. She has experience in water and soil management in irrigated systems; irrigation management in large crops; evapotranspiration estimation; ambience in rural facilities and precision ambience. He is the leader of the ambience and biometeorology research group.

Ana Luíza Canto da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Agricultural Technician and Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM Cachoeira do Sul.

Luis Felipe Baranzelli, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM Cachoeira do Sul.

Matheus da Silva Costa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM Cachoeira do Sul.

Pedro Eduardo Fischer Boeno, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM Cachoeira do Sul.

Leonardo Baldissera Maffini, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student of the Agricultural Engineering Course at UFSM Cachoeira do Sul.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, Z. B., Silva, A. L. C. da, Baranzelli, L. F., Costa, M. da S., Boeno, P. E. F., & Maffini, L. B. (2024). Influence of seeding density and nitrogen doses on irrigated corn productivity. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 3), e86828.

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