A função experiencial da linguagem no contexto jurídico
Textual Genre, Final Allegation, Representation, Accusation, DefenseResumo
The objective of this work is to analyze the representation of accusation and defense in Final Allegation texts from a Penal Process written in Portuguese. The transitivity analysis, with emphasis in the types of processes and participants, shows how the practices of accusation and defense in the criminal context are performed by social actors in the referred genre. To do that, we have used Bazerman (2004) on textual genres, Halliday (2004) on grammar roles in the experiential metafunction, and Van Leewen (1997) on socio-semantic roles in the representation of social actors. We have also considered the rules and regulations used in the constitution of Brazilian Penal Processes, according to the Código de Processo Penal (1941) in use and the systematization of Capez (2006) for the contextualization of the final allegations inside a Penal Process.Downloads
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