
Revista Literatura e Autoritarismo adota modelo de publicação em fluxo contínuo


A partir do ano de 2024, o periódico Literatura e Autoritarismo passa a ser publicado em fluxo contínuo, adotando um modelo editorial em que os artigos são disponibilizados on-line assim que são finalizados, revisados e aprovados, sem a necessidade de aguardar pela conclusão de um número específico. Essa abordagem possibilita uma rápida disseminação do conhecimento científico, permitindo que os leitores tenham acesso imediato às pesquisas mais recentes.

Read more about Revista Literatura e Autoritarismo adota modelo de publicação em fluxo contínuo

Current Issue

No. 43 (2024): Literatura e Autoritarismo: Publicação contínua
					View No. 43 (2024): Literatura e Autoritarismo: Publicação contínua
Published: 2024-09-03


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The journal receives submissions on continuous flow, such that the review and editing period is composed of six months. Eventually, in order to attend specific demands, the journal may create calls for some of its numbers, always posted on the Portal of Periodicals. Such proceeding will not alter the policy of continuous flow for the other numbers. Since 2018, the journal also edits the Dossiê Literatura e AutoritarismoThese editions constitute special numbers that aim to publish writings that stem from events and academic discussions that stimulate the exhange of experiences between researchers. The Dossiê does not have a periocity, thus making it possible for it to published several times in a year without interrupting the publication of standard editions. 
Although the two publications are available in the same space, the numbers and covers characterize their formats: the cover of the Revista Literatura e Autoritarismo is identified with the image of a book on fire, while the Dossiê has an old lock. Both publications also allow interested researchers to submit proposals for the organization of one of their numbers. Each submitted proposal - which must be presented in a clear and objective way in the form of a call - will be evaluated by the Editorial Team and Board, aiming its approval.