The suffering of the dissatisfaction of the desires and the seduction of the consumer society


  • Renato Nunes Bittencourt Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ



Desire, Suffering, Consumption


In this article we discuss the schopenhauerian theory about the wishing well in human life and in what manner it regulates human actions as a generator device of suffering, because it stimulates the individual to satisfy continuously desideratives impetuosity. Capitalism would strengthen these provisions, by stimulating the human satisfaction by developing the affluence of the consumer society.


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Author Biography

Renato Nunes Bittencourt, Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Doutor em Filosofia pelo PPGF-UFRJ Professor do Curso de Especialização em Pesquisa de Mercado e Opinião Pública da UERJ Professor da Faculdade CCAA e da Faculdade Duque de Caxias.


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How to Cite

Bittencourt, R. N. (2014). The suffering of the dissatisfaction of the desires and the seduction of the consumer society. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 5(1), 92–109.




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