The ideas: the phenomenological and a-historical structure of the world


  • Fabio Ciracì Università degli Studi del Salento, Lecce



Schopenhauer, Ideenlehre, Platone, Natorp


Schopenhauer's Ideenlehre presents itself legitimately in the wake of the post-Kantian tradition, since it not only serves as a theoretical basis for the doctrine of romantic genius and for aesthetic contemplation, but it is also subject to an illuministic interpretation. Indeed, the doctrine of Schopenhauer's Ideas is thought in function of the will in nature, in view of a scientific explanation of natural phenomena, as a phenomenological and a-historical structure of the world, in a condition to account for those phenomena, such as laws and natural forces - which are not individual or individualizable. Likewise, in the twenties of the nineteenth century, Paul Natorp would develop his meta-criticism of the Platonic doctrine of Ideas with the intention of offering a scientific explanation of Ideas similar to that of Schopenhauer. As a conclusion of the present investigation, we propose a confrontation between the two philosophical positions.


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Author Biography

Fabio Ciracì, Università degli Studi del Salento, Lecce

Professore dell'Università degli Studi del Salento (Lecce-Italia).


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How to Cite

Ciracì, F. (2016). The ideas: the phenomenological and a-historical structure of the world. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 7(2), 38–63.

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