Statistical analysis of the measurement instrument of Cooperative Management Development Program (PDGC)
pdgc, cooperativism, management models, measuring instrumentsAbstract
The Cooperative Management Development Program (PDGC) was developed in order to encourage and contribute to the development of management and governance in Cooperatives, since there are studies that relate the adoption of benchmarks and management models to better results. However, theorists report a lack of empirical studies that theoretically support the construction and validation of such models. This work analyzed the validity and statistical reliability of the PDGC, First Steps level, cycle 2017. This was a descriptive research of a quantitative nature. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis techniques were used in a sample of 772 observations. The factorial structure obtained explained 68.482% of the variation, with 9 factors and 43 observable variables. The research results show opportunities in the scale construction methodology, as they have indicated possible problems with the data collected, with the theory or both, since the measurement instrument does not reflect the proposed structure of the constructs' relationships.Downloads
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