Entrepreneurial characteristics in cooperative managers: a study in cooperatives in the Central Region of RS
Entrepreneurship, Characteristics, CooperativesAbstract
This article aims to identify entrepreneurial characteristics in cooperative managers based in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. Considering the relevance of cooperatives to the Brazilian economy, we seek the relationship of entrepreneurship with cooperatives, through the analysis of the characteristics of their cooperatives. Managers. Thus, we present the concept of entrepreneurship and also the description of the main entrepreneurial characteristics according to Filion (1999). It seeks to clearly and objectively, how the development of the entrepreneurial activity in the world happened, and more specifically how it spread in Brazil. The main areas of entrepreneurship knowledge, entrepreneur roles, the importance of business plan and types of entrepreneurship are also addressed. The historical evolution of cooperativism is shown, but in a synthetic way. A questionnaire was applied to cooperative managers to collect data. The treatment of the data was done through a descriptive analysis. The subject is based on publications by the author Louis Jacques Filion. As a result, it was verified that the managers of the cooperatives analyzed have entrepreneurial characteristics, with leadership, creativity and innovation being the most frequently encountered.Downloads
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- 2019-02-12 (1)
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