Internet memes, visualities and humorous speech
Internet memes, Visualities, Humor, HeteronormativityAbstract
This article aims to discuss regimes of visualities reproduced in internet memes, especially those that bring in their image constitution the representation of Barbara Kely, an artist from Amapá who gained evidence in the city of Macapá and came to be conveyed in these digital artifacts. The analysis of the images intends to problematize the relationships that the internet memes establish in the media visual culture and its discursive unfolding. Theoretical contributions of authors such as Mirzoeff (2016), Mitchell (2002), Shifman (2014), Bergson (2004) and Butler (2001) are used to construct an analytical field that articulates the concepts of humor, difference and heteronormativity based on the perspective of visual culture.Downloads
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