Visual culture as a meeting place between builder and researcher bricoleur


  • Laila Loddi
  • Raimundo Martins



Bricolage, Bricoleur, Research, Visual culture


The word bricolage originates from the french term bricolage which characterizes specially the act to operate with fragmented materials, using procedures that deviate from technical norms. In this sense, the bricoleur builder is the one who works with his hands executing works without a preconceived project, dealing with improvisation and chance, collecting and re-signifying objects. The word bricolage has been applied to research methods emerging as a way to build a critical science of complexity. In the context of this article, bricolage refers to an interdisciplinary notion operating from a vision about dominant forms of power. The researcher bricoleur is the one who redefine the investigation object adopting a relational ontology. This text develops a perspective of bricolage research with a focus on the study of modes of making of the bricoleur builder as a transdisciplinary field of visual culture.


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Author Biographies

Laila Loddi

Mestranda em Cultura Visual pela Universidade Federal de Goiás

Raimundo Martins

Doutor em Educação/Artes pela Southern Illinois University (EUA), pós-doutor pela Universidade de Londres (Inglaterra) e pela Universidade de Barcelona (Espanha)


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How to Cite

Loddi, L., & Martins, R. (2010). Visual culture as a meeting place between builder and researcher bricoleur. Revista Digital Do LAV, 3(3), 087–108.

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