The hurricane of loquacious sexuality: speeches about control and power




Sexuality, Gender, Education


This article presents a discussion on the topic of sexuality and gender, with the premise of surveillance and control over bodies and identities, presenting a historical and social panorama surrounding the topic. It aims to discuss social and historical issues surrounding the subject, which have a direct impact on education, therefore, it becomes relevant for the contribution of themes related to teacher training. As a methodological procedure, bibliographical research was used, which is linked to data already published by other authors, such as books and articles. From a transdisciplinary perspective, the research, of a qualitative nature, is inserted in the context of historical cultural studies, especially the Foucauldian approach. With history as a guiding thread, cultural historical studies allow us to understand subjects that go beyond the limits of reason, highlighting differences and particularities, moving away from homogenizations, without cultural hierarchies. The results contribute to the understanding of the problems that permeate the themes of gender and sexuality, encompassing not only the school, but the broader social context.

Author Biography

Jarles Lopes de Medeiros, State University of Ceará

Pedagogue (UECE, 2012), graduated in Portuguese (UFG, 2014) and in Libras (EFICAZ, 2022), psychopedagogue (FALC, 2015), master (UFC, 2017) and doctor (UFC, 2022) in education. Adjunct Professor at the State University of Ceará (UECE), linked to the Center for Education, Science and Technology of the Inhamuns Region (CECITEC), working in the Pedagogy Course. Portuguese language teacher at the Secretariat of Basic Education of Ceará (SEDUC). Distance Tutor for the Pedagogy Course at UECE/UAB. Textual reviewer. Collaborating researcher at the Ethics, Education and Human Training Research Group, registered with CNPq and linked to the Education Center (CED) of UECE. Areas and themes of interest and activity: education; Portuguese language teaching; reading and text production; literacy and literacy; teacher training; didactics; psychopedagogy; sexuality; gender and diversity; sexual education; Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS).


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How to Cite

Medeiros, J. L. de. (2024). The hurricane of loquacious sexuality: speeches about control and power. Education, 49(1), e100/1–21.