Educational innovation between teacher well-being and uneasiness: a systematic literature review
Teacher well-being and uneasiness, Teacher professional identity, Educational innovationAbstract
The challenges that the new educational discourses are currently generating, especially in teaching and in the classroom, invite us to review causes and conceptions of teacher well-being and the relationships established with innovation in education. The objective of this work is to identify and systematize the professional conditions that today determine the development of this feeling in schools, through an analysis of empirical evidence reported in the scientific literature. The methodology consisted of a systematic review of scientific articles published in this regard in the last five years, in accordance with the indications of the PRISMA 2020 Declaration and using Scopus as a database. As a result, of the 16 articles analyzed, only one of them addresses this connection between teacher well-being and educational innovation. The collected data show us the need to conduct new research that has the classroom and teachers' practices as their heuristical object, since this seems to us the only way to escape the anecdotal and uncritical character that predominates in much of the literature. recent information on the well-being or malaise of teachers.
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