Skills and abilities necessary for the training of engineering professionals able to work sustainably




Sustainable development, Engineering education, Sustainability


Research in sustainable development education has recognized the value of the topic and its advances, which provide an opportunity to research and rethink how appropriate and successful educational practices can be. However, despite the importance, there is a dearth of studies examining the integration of competencies and skills needed to train professionals to act sustainably. Given this perceived need for research, the purpose of this article is to present the main competencies and skills that are fundamental for a professional practice supported by social, ethical, and sustainable responsibility. To this end, a synthesis of qualitative studies of some research carried out in the area was used. The results show that active methodologies are excellent alternatives for making the disciplines compatible with the context of sustainability, its epistemology, and pluricultural vision. Finally, it was found that the student must be reflective of his values since he must act professionally as a provider of social solutions from the standpoint of socio-environmental responsibility, equitability, resilience, and sustainable attitude.

Author Biographies

Adriano Ineia, Federal University of Santa Maria

Master's student at the Graduate Program in Professional and Technological Education PPGEPT at CTISM/UFSM

Rogério Corrêa Turchetti, Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD in Informatics from the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR.

Professor at the Graduate Program in Professional and Technological Education - PPGEPT

Ricardo Machado Ellensohn, Federal University of Pampa

PhD in Sciences from the University of São Paulo - USP.

Permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Professional and Technological Education at CTISM/UFSM. Professor at the Federal University of Pampa.


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How to Cite

Ineia, A., Turchetti, R. C., & Ellensohn, R. M. (2024). Skills and abilities necessary for the training of engineering professionals able to work sustainably. Education, 49(1), e73/1–24.