Professional development of people with functional differences: repercussions of family and educational trajectory
Inclusion, Education, AbleismAbstract
This research aims to present the interface of the family and educational trajectory, and its consequences in the professional development of people with functional difference. The national and international literature identifies some elements that articulate these aspects, which anchored the development of semi-structured interview questions carried out online with 22 people with disabilities with complete higher education and who work in their areas of training, from all regions of the Brazil. The results show parents' coping behaviors, related to: attention and clarity in identifying the children's needs, obtaining resources that corresponded to their needs and adaptations of the educational processes, which acted as stimulators and contributed to the children's development. An inadequacy in the learning processes in special schools was highlighted, as well as difficulties both in accessing and staying in regular schools. Respondents demonstrate that the current relationship established with work is, in addition to an occupation, a form of personal and professional growth. The repertoire of professional competences cited by the interviewees as important is in line with those required and valued in the current job market. However, despite the investment in the professional development process, labor inclusion still presents barriers related to ableism.
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