Blue or Pink: Education and visual culture in a video of Meu amigãozão
Childhoods, Gender, ColorsAbstract
This article discusses the constructions of childhood and gender in and through the meaning of colors in childhood from the analysis of a cultural media production entitled AZUL OU ROSA - Nosso mundo com Golias (2018), published by the channel Meu amigãozão, on the platform virtual Youtube. As an objective, it seeks to verify in the video the possible confluences and contributions that accompany the discussions on Gender Studies and allow children to relate to gender as a construction that can be questioned and modified. To this end, the construction of gender and sexuality was initially related to the universes and artifacts addressed to childhood, emphasizing that, from the first moments of life, boys and girls are involved (summoned) to be accomplices in a project of normalization of bodies from a biological and binary – therefore limited – conception of gender. Then, the analysis of the audiovisual production in question was carried out, according to the procedures of critical and inventive visual investigations proposed by PROVOQUE, paying attention to the discourses related to the meaning of colors and gender constructions in childhood. As a result, it was observed that the video works on the relationships between colors and gender in subtle ways, crossed in playful activities and in dialogue with children from Early Childhood Education, questioning and subverting these constructions around artifacts, games and chromatic elements.
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