Childhood's Sociology and the concept of children culture: aspects and theoretical implications
Children’s Culture, Education, Childhood SociologyAbstract
This article, resulting from a bibliographic research, aims to present and discuss the concept of children's cultures (or peer culture), from the perspective of the Sociology of Childhood, from two of its main formulators: William Corsaro and Manuel Sarmento. The concept of children's cultures emphasizes the idea of the child as a social actor and producer of culture. In this approach, therefore, there are theoretical and methodological ways of researching and relating to children in terms and conceptions that distance themselves from those related to traditional theories of socialization (the child seen as a passive learner of culture and childhood understood as a natural stage of development). The current definition of the anthropological concept of culture, as a public system of signs and symbols, is presented to designate the public and collective origin of peer culture. In conclusion, some theoretical and methodological challenges are presented regarding the growing use of the concept of children's cultures in research in the area of Education, and the reflective character of scientific production on contemporary childhood in the epistemic framework of the "double hermeneutic".
This article, resulting from a bibliographic research, aims to present and discuss the concept of children's cultures (or peer culture), from the perspective of the Sociology of Childhood, from two of its main formulators: William Corsaro and Manuel Sarmento. The concept of children's cultures emphasizes the idea of the child as a social actor and producer of culture. In this approach, therefore, there are theoretical and methodological ways of researching and relating to children in terms and conceptions that distance themselves from those related to traditional theories of socialization (the child seen as a passive learner of culture and childhood understood as a natural stage of development). The current definition of the anthropological concept of culture, as a public system of signs and symbols, is presented to designate the public and collective origin of peer culture. In conclusion, some theoretical and methodological challenges are presented regarding the growing use of the concept of children's cultures in research in the area of Education, and the reflective character of scientific production on contemporary childhood in the epistemic framework of the "double hermeneutic".
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