Considerations about the sense of university “pedagogy” and “didactics” with special reference to the Uruguayan experience


  • Luis Ernesto Behares Universidad de la República, Montevideo



University, teaching, Uruguay.


This paper analyzes the sense of two common terms used to make reference to university teaching: “university pedagogy” (meaning “the way we educate at universities”) and “university didactics” (meaning “the way we teach at universities”). Since 1980, those terms, and the theories which make possible its extensive use, have been employed in Latin-American and some European countries. This choice implies a conceptual problem regarding the proper nature and scope of university teaching. The general and traditional background of universities relates teaching to the production of knowledge, but the terms “pedagogy” and “didactics”, as established in the framework of basic education, refer mostly to the different kinds of strategies to intervene in students ́ learning. In a sense, the incorporation of such conceptions had the effect of separating teaching from research, or at least making it more difficult to improve their required relationship. The discussion of such a conceptual polarity has been important in the Uruguayan experience in the field during the last two decades



How to Cite

Behares, L. E. (2011). Considerations about the sense of university “pedagogy” and “didactics” with special reference to the Uruguayan experience. Education, 36(3), 337–350.



Dossier: Teaching in Higher Education