Environmental inspection based nr-12: development of tools and application in industrial area
Assembly of Industry, Environmental Conditions, EvaluationAbstract
Knowledge of elements that involve the work environment are identified as one of the preventive ways to eliminate risks of environmental problems and exposure to agents unnecessarily to employees of the industrial environment. Given this situation, many practices to support the management of occupational health and safety are developed and verified by scientific means. The present work is the development of a checklist for assessment of compliance of the industrial environment as the elements recommended by the regulatory norm of number 12 of the Ministry of Labour and Employment. The work was developed through research in the literature and the measurement model developed in a company providing services in the industrial area of the town of Mossoró, RN, especially for the Oil and Gas industry The results attest to the good practical employment of the suggested methodology and the possibility of better monitoring practices necessary legal compliance and the adoption of environmental control mechanisms efficientlyDownloads
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