Reflexão ambiental do município de Parobé sob a visão de moradores e de alunos da E. E. de Ensino Médio Engenheiro Parobé
Environmental education, Students, Ecological conscience, ResidentsAbstract
With the grand population growth of the latest decades, it also appeared the growth of theenvironmental impacts caused by this demand. The environmental Science has the role ofdeveloping an ecological conscience in the individuals, through the environmental sensibilityrelated to specific knowledge. The issues related to the environment are farther on than creatingrules and laws to reduce these impacts, all of us should feel an integral part as agents of theprocesses that aim at the sustainable development. The present work deals with how the researchwas developed with the students of the Engenheiro Parobé High School and residents of theborough of Parobé. The aim was to check what the residents see about the possible solutions toreduce some environmental problems diagnosed, and to broaden the comprehension of thestudents about environmental aspects of the borough. It was established that for the residentsand for the students the best way to reduce the environmental impacts is the ecological awareness of everybody, because we will just get significant results when we may intervene in theway of thinking, acting and perceiving the world through the Environmental education.
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