Education and health: planting to environmental actions for children and caregivers at Home Acalanto - Santa Maria, RS


  • Rosane Seeger da Silva
  • Paulo Edelvar Corrêa Peres Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Children, Environmental education, Playful


This study aimed to work activities of Environmental Education through playful with children with HIV / AIDS, attending and / or receive care at the Home Acalanto, Home Child Support HIV / AIDS in the city of Santa Maria, RS. Through the implementation of this project were made possible with the children living with HIV / AIDS moments of creativity, the fun way where they could express feelings and desires in different ways, thus allowing them to feel confident and valued, and provide the knowledge about the issues involving the environment and citizenship including its importance and care of future generations. It can also wake up and raise children in these attitudes and ideas can contribute to improving the quality of life and the environment. Thus, it should be emphasized that the recreational activities contribute significantly to the development of children's cognitive and social terms as well as those causing a change in habits and attitudes towards how they relate to the environment. Environmental education is characterized as a dynamic process and keeps a transformative practice that allows an understanding of the complex relationships between society and nature. Thus it is essential to their incorporation at all levels and modes of teaching and non-formal, since it is through education that the man turns and thus transforms society.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. S. da, & Peres, P. E. C. (2011). Education and health: planting to environmental actions for children and caregivers at Home Acalanto - Santa Maria, RS. Monografias Ambientais, 4(4), 793–800.




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