A formação de uma consciência sócio ambiental, através da interpretação de trilhas
Conscience, Environmental, TracksAbstract
Human societies have suffered a progressive separation of nature, a process of selfdestruction, where a veritable war with the environment. To combat this up, you should reach a new under-standing of the individual in relation to the environment, it may be possible through the formation of a more just social and environmental awareness through the interpretation of tracks environ-mental practices, contextualized within the Perspectives of Environmental Education. The project made use of reflections obtained by the meth-deductive, adopting for the activity of field metho-dology for retrieval/review, with the application of guided trails and nature interpretation. The subjects of the study, 100 high school students of S. S. S. M. Major Bellarmine Court, Cruz Alta/RS. The area used is located in Estância Lara Gruhn, in Cruz Alta/RS, constituting a forest type represented by a fragment of different plant structures, surrounded by crops and pasture. With 1,600 meters long and two hours in length, the trail was considered a low level of difficulty, where according to the responses obtained, we can see that the positive impressions outnumbered nega-tive. Constituting thus a simple practice that can be applied easily and does not require high investments, but rather, conscience and breaks paradigms in order to seek new socio-cultural ha-bits, which, self- sustainable. Where, education and perception appear as defense mechanisms of the natural environment and may contribute to the much-needed rapprochement between man and nature.Downloads
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