The terrarium as theme in science teaching in the field of education
Terrarium, Science teaching, Rural educationAbstract
Practical studies contribute to a meaningful learning for Science Education. Besides becoming different activities from traditional teaching, these studies contribute to innovate the process of teaching and learning in elementary education. This work was developed in the State School Senador Filinto Muller, Irenópolis district of Juscimeira/ MT, considered a field school with 120 students. This stydy investigated if the construction of terrariums can be indicated as teaching practice that provides meaningful learning for students in Science Teaching. The terrarium was built with the participation of students and teachers. It was confirmed that terrariums can be an instrument to become the teaching more creative and dynamic, enabling students to develop the ability of observation, analysis and construction of their own scientific knowledge about ecosystem. It was also identified motivation and effective participation of students during the practical studies. In the context of school field, the relationship between the teaching of Science and the reality which the school is inserted enabled the living and meaningful learning.Downloads
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