The insertion of Environmental Education in the school curriculum
Curriculum, Environmental education, SchoolAbstract
The school can be a space for the development of Environmental Education (EA), aiming create conscientious citizens, capable to confront the challenges of environmental reality. The main aim of this article to analyze the EA from the perspective of the school curriculum, seeking to show out how EA has been included in the curriculum of brazilian schools. The research methodology was based on secondary data collection by selecting 38 documents (scientific articles, academic journals and textbooks). The adoption of questionnaires is revealed as the main method of work. Regarding respect to actions, it was observed that the EA takes place through projects, related disciplines, individual initiative of the teacher or interdisciplinary. The research allowed to show what EA actions are developed in brazilian schools, showing how happens the inclusion of this theme in the curriculum. In addition to considering the projects followed of inclusion, through related disciplines, are still the main EA development mechanisms in schools.Downloads
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