Family farm and access to credit qualified: progress and challenges in Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde - PE
Agriculture, Family credit, Rural Extension, PronafAbstract
This work has as main objective to characterize the evolution of access to credit for qualified stimulate agricultural and non agricultural family farmers. The methodology of this research consists of two experiences related to access to credit qualified: a group of nine farmers associated with the Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável da Serra da Baixa Verde, and a group of twelve women farmers associated with Associação Municipal Mulher Flor do Campo, both located in the municipality of Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde, State of Pernambuco. In this way, we performed two complementary stages, the first being, mapping the evolution of access to credit on qualified municipality, between the years 2008 and 2011, and second, the analysis of the data, performed by statistical methods. The results show that the claim in the absence of own resources, is an important tool to fund and invest in agriculture and non-agricultural production, and that concomitantly bureaucracy to release credit remains the main impediment for a good performance of some of the family farm producers Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde. What was observed in the two cases in question, is that credit in the absence of own resources, is an important instrument to finance and invest in production and, concomitantly, the paperwork for the release of credits remains the main obstacle to good performance of some farmers in Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde.
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