Perception of evaluation of teacher professional qualification of elementary education of Zone I Schools in digital technologies
The permanent education, whether it is in person, semi-distant or by distance are stimulated by the institutions and entities of fostering as a practice that promotes the formation of teachers. This article contextualizes the evaluation of teacher education in digital technologies, as well as their challenges in the process of integration of the knowledge acquired. This study is the result of qualitative survey developed between the teachers of portuguese and mathematics in the high school of two municipal schools in the city of Fortaleza, located in regional I, who participated in the 180hs semi-distant training offered by FNDE/MEC, Secretaria Municipal de Fortaleza in partnership with the UFC Virtual. The research results indicate that produce a change in the culture of teachers to integrate the digital technologies to the curricular activities developed in class are challenging, but others exogenous factors were relevant during the research.
Key-words: evaluation, teacher training, digital technologies.
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