Reflections of geography teachers on continued training for the implementation of the Nova EJA Program in the education network in the state of Rio de Janeiro




Continuing Teacher Education, School geography, Youth and Adult Education


This article seeks to present the results of a study on the perception of Geography teachers from the state education network of Rio de Janeiro regarding the implementation of the Nova EJA Program and the continuing education course offered by the State Department of Education during the period of its implantation. As a research methodology, we opted for comparative analysis of speeches present in official documents and reports obtained through interviews with teachers who participated in the course. Through this analysis, it was possible to identify inconsistencies between the official discourse of the training proponents and the experience lived by the teachers. Among such inconsistencies, the inadequacy of the organization, methodological choices and pedagogical proposals was noted in relation to the precarious conditions of most state schools, which drastically hamper the development of the educational process aimed at workers who study.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Henrique Bonini da Silva, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Master's in Science and Health Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/2023). Specialist in Teaching Geography and the Environment from the Venda Nova do Imigrante College (FAVENI/2023). Bachelor's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/2019). Currently part of the Collective for Study and Research in Geography and Adult Education (GEOEJA/UFRJ) and the Group for Audiovisual Reception Studies in Science and Health Education (GERAES/UFRJ). Works as a Humanities Teacher for the Protected Work in Adolescence Program (FIA/UERJ), as Pedagogical Coordinator of the Pré-Vestibular Ação (PVSA), and as a Geography and Current Affairs teacher in private institutions in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro.

Enio Serra, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Holds a Bachelor's degree in Geography from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1989), a Master's degree in Education (2003), and a PhD in Education (2008) from the Federal Fluminense University. He is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, coordinator of the Laboratory for Research, Teaching, and Extension in Youth and Adult Education (LIEJA), and of the Collective for Study and Research in Geography and Adult Education (GeoEJA). He is part of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Education at UFRJ and the Graduate Program in Geography Teaching at UERJ (ProfGeo Network). He has experience in the fields of Education and Geography, with an emphasis on Youth and Adult Education, Geography of Education, and Geographic Education.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. H. B. da, & Serra, E. (2024). Reflections of geography teachers on continued training for the implementation of the Nova EJA Program in the education network in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 28, e87654.



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