Spatial analysis of dengue: a systematization of literature




Systematic review, Geoprocessing, Health geography


The mosquito that transmits dengue fever is today a threat to global health, having emerged in Egypt, over the centuries it has been spreading and finding good conditions for its reproduction, entering new places around the world, mainly due to human interference. Being a reason for public health alert, many scientists from different countries, in addition to several studies on the topic, in order to support better planning of actions to combat, prevent, and monitor the vector and the disease. This article aims to present which international territorial areas (except Brazil) are where the largest number of scientific research on the topic is concentrated: Spatial analysis of Dengue, using some method or approach related to geoprocessing techniques. To this end, a systematic review, with a qualitative view, was used as a method of systematizing the literature, essential for this analysis. The review identified that most international studies on dengue use geoprocessing and spatial models, such as GIS and geostatistical methods (Geographically Weighted Regression, Kernel Density, and Bayesian Model). These methods analyze the relationship between dengue and environmental and socioeconomic factors at various scales, especially in Asian countries. It is concluded that such approaches are essential for dengue monitoring and prevention and can be adapted to the Brazilian context to enhance the control and analysis of the disease.


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Author Biographies

Júlia Finkler, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He has a degree in Geography (Bachelor's degree) from the Federal University of Santa Maria. She is currently a master's student in Geography (Postgraduate Program in Geography - UFSM), in the line of research entitled Nature Dynamics and Environmental Quality of the Southern Cone. She is interested in developing research in the areas of Geoprocessing, Cartography, Environment and Health Geography.

Romario Trentin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

He has a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2004), a Master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2007) and a PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Paraná (2011). Post-Doctorate in Geography from Le Mans Université, France (2021) from PrInt - Institutional Internationalization Program. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Geosciences, in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Santa Maria. He has experience in the area of ​​Geosciences, with an emphasis on Geotechnology, working mainly on the following topics: Hydrographic Basin, Sandization, Geomorphology, Land Use and Occupation, Geoenvironmental Characterization and Risk Areas.


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How to Cite

Finkler, J., & Trentin, R. (2024). Spatial analysis of dengue: a systematization of literature. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 28, e87140.



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